Saturday, August 2, 2008

It's been an exhausting day

There's nothing more pleasurable than to stroll with your loved one, after a long and exhausting working day.
This picture was shot last year at the, not so frequently calm, Adriatic Sea, Trieste, while on a casual evening stroll. I like the composition of the picture, which suggests the end of the day very nicely. Backdrop of immobile ships gives it that stalled look of the 'end', while although in motion, the birds give it that 'day is over and back to home' feel. The couple gives it that romantic and a very calm feel.

It really is a nice picture according to me!
Editing : None.


  1. Very good picture...
    Can you enlarge it a bit...?
    Thanks a lot for your visit at my blog..!!

  2. Thanks for your visit to my blog.

    True nothing more pleasurable than to stroll with loved one.Thanks for sharing the picture and your views.

    Regarding your comment on currencies- I did hear about Zimbab currency. But What I said in my post was....that was the largest denomination I Have seen.

    Thanks you once again>keep in touch

  3. I agree. Nothing like a delightful stroll....Lovely shot

  4. Indeed maddy,

    I conveniently ignored out on "I Have seen".

    Will keep in touch :)

  5. Dear shades,
    clicking on the picture will give you a large picture!

    In case you dont get it, please mention it!


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photoganesha by Kaware Vaibhav Vilasrao is licensed under a CC India License.
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