My first set of photographs in our new home.
One fine sunday morning, my mother had washed these Copper vessels
absolutely bright and clean, and put them in sun for them to get dry.
I just happened to walk past them, (after getting out of bed at 3 'O
clock after noon, and the idea 'clicked' my mind first. Then I took out
my DSC W35 and set onto the assignment. It hardly took 15 minutes to
click about 35-40 photographs. It was really difficult (as usual) to pick only
one out of it, and so I chose four, not just one.
The monochromatic feel of the photographs is what appeals to me,
along with the glow that is imparted to it by the sunlight.
Equipment/s used : Sony DSC W35
Editing : Added sharpness and saturated the colours
Hey keep posting such good and meaningful articles.